Maximizing the Benefits of Sleep Therapy Sessions

Managing the business side of therapy is the first step to getting the most out of your sleep therapy sessions. It is important to view therapy as a collaboration between you and your sleep specialist, and to schedule sessions at an appropriate time. To gain a better understanding of how to treat insomnia, your sleep specialist may ask you to keep a detailed sleep diary for 1 to 2 weeks. Recent research has indicated that patients who get more sleep after their therapy sessions are more likely to comprehend and adhere to the treatment plan. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a great option for those who suffer from long-term sleep problems or are concerned about becoming dependent on sleeping pills.

The behavioral aspect of CBT helps you develop healthy sleep habits and avoid behaviors that can disrupt your sleep. The findings suggest that getting enough sleep before and after a therapy session can help improve patient understanding and adherence to treatment. Researchers are looking into the concept of “adherence to treatment” and studying whether sleeping before and after a therapy session can improve adherence to treatment. By examining the relationships between sleep throughout treatment and therapist-informed understanding of the treatment, the researchers found that greater total sleep time between sessions (and therefore a shorter total wake time between sessions) predicted greater understanding of treatment throughout treatment. To get the most out of your sleep therapy sessions, it is important to manage the business side of therapy, view it as a collaboration, and schedule sessions at an appropriate time. Additionally, getting enough sleep before and after each session can help improve patient understanding and adherence to treatment.