Can Children Benefit from Sleep Therapy?

Children can reap the rewards of good sleep hygiene practices, such as having a regular bedtime routine, a quiet, dark and warm bedroom, and a consistent wake-up time. Additionally, physical activity during the day can help children get a better night's sleep. In more serious cases, children may need to undergo a sleep program. If your child has difficulty falling asleep on their own, it may be beneficial to work with a sleep psychologist to teach them the necessary skills.

Research has shown that inadequate sleep can reduce the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic pain. If your child is still having trouble sleeping despite following healthy sleep hygiene habits, it may be time to consult a doctor. It is important to evaluate your child's sleep habits and environment to ensure they are up to par. In one study, teens wore activity monitors on their wrists and kept a sleep diary while also calling each other every day to report on their sleep hours and peak flow measurements.

It was found that talking during sleep is more common during light sleep, so proper sleep hygiene can help reduce these episodes. The most common sleep problem in children is childhood behavioral insomnia; this diagnosis involves difficulty falling asleep without parental help or having an extended bedtime routine, leading to lack of sleep. These types of issues can often be improved with an individualized behavioral sleep plan. Additionally, it is important not to let your kids stay up late on the weekends as this can disrupt their sleeping schedule and make it harder for them to wake up during the week. In some cases, sounds can help children fall asleep in unfamiliar environments that might otherwise disrupt their slumber.

If you think your child may be suffering from a sleep disorder, keep track of their symptoms in a sleep diary and speak with your pediatrician.