What are the Risks of Sleep Therapy?

Obesity is a major risk factor for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). People with thicker necks may be more prone to this condition, as the muscles in the throat relax and cause the airway to narrow or close, resulting in momentary pauses in breathing. Certain medications and general anesthesia can also contribute to OSA.

People with sleep apnea

may be more likely to experience complications after major surgery due to their increased risk of breathing problems, especially when sedated and lying on their backs.

Complications of OSA include driving difficulties, changes in mental health, and a variety of medical conditions.

Mild sleep apnea

is characterized by 5-14 episodes of apnea per hour, while moderate cases have 15-29 episodes per hour. Severe sleep apnea is diagnosed when a person experiences 30 or more episodes of apnea within an hour. Sleep apnea usually occurs due to the natural relaxation of the muscles surrounding the throat during sleep. Those who are testing for OSA at home should stay in close contact with their doctor or sleep specialist.

A sleep study performed at a clinic can detect abnormal breathing and differentiate between obstructive and central sleep apnea. The repeated awakenings associated with OSA make it impossible to get a restful night's sleep, leading to intense daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and irritability.

People with sleep apnea

will repeatedly reduce or stop breathing for short periods while they sleep. It is important to evaluate one's sleep habits and environment to ensure they are up to par, as well as adjust behavior to improve sleep quality. To diagnose OSA, doctors will collect the patient's medical history and symptoms, perform a physical exam, and refer them for a diagnostic sleep study.

There are many approaches to treating OSA depending on its type and severity. A sleep study can confirm the diagnosis of OSA and measure its severity. OSA is the most common type of sleep-related respiratory disorder, which is a group of disorders characterized by abnormal breathing during sleep. If doctors suspect the presence of OSA based on symptoms and responses, they will likely recommend a test for it. During polysomnography, several sensors are used to record breathing, awakenings, oxygen levels, muscle movement, sleep stages, and other aspects of sleep.

Symptoms of sleep apnea

include the effects of abnormal nighttime breathing as well as daytime effects from decreased sleep quality.

It is a serious disorder that occurs when breathing stops and starts while sleeping. To ensure proper diagnosis and treatment of OSA, it is important to consult with a doctor or specialist.